
Swatch: Jesse's Girl - JulieG

When I was at my parents house this weekend I also did my own nails. I was going through my sister's polish collection and she has some of the "Jesse's Girl" polishes and JulieG looked fun for spring!

Polishes Used:
-Jesse's Girl - JulieG (2 coats)
-Sally Hansen Diamond Strength - Glass Slippe (1 coat)
-Out The Door TopCoat

I completely forgot to put on my basecoat when I did these nails so when I applied 2 coats of the color, although it was opaque, you could see the ridges in my nails, so I "hid" it with Glass Slipper. Unfortunately, my camera hates to photograph Glass Slipper but you get the picture.  This was my first Jesse's Girl polish and it wasn't my favorite polish; the brush seemed small for the size of the bottle so it wasn't as easy to get clean lines as I would like; oh well, it still looks cute!

Do any of you girls have Jesse's Girl polishes and if so, what are your thoughts?


  1. I've never tried that brand! Looks beautiful!

  2. lovely color, great looking combo, love it :-D

  3. awesome.
    join my blog too
