
Target Beauty Bag

Today I got my Target Beauty Bag. I know some of you have yours, and some are still waiting, but here's what it includes:

All of those lovely samples and a packet full of coupons.

If you haven't gotten yours yet, don't worry, it should be coming any day now.

Heads up, this weekend is super busy for me. We are having friends in from out of town on Fri/Sat/Sun, I have a baby shower and Halloween party on Saturday and get to go to the Steelers game on Sunday. It's going to be fun but I may not be able to post. Guess we will see!


  1. I love samples! what a great idea!

    Jazz x

  2. I got in on this too, I hope mine comes soon! I can't read the labels on the pictures of the samples and I don't remember what came in the bag, any chance you can identify these for us please?
