
Guest Post by Tricia of The Cat's Claws!

I love Facebook because I get to meet lots of great new people and fellow nails enthusiasts! One of those is Tricia of The Cat's Claws. I recently started following her blog and she has awesome long nails (that I am jealous of) and pretty swatches!


Waiting For Summer!
When Stephanie of A Little Polish asked for a guest post I jumped at the chance. Stephanie showcases some wonderful nail art on her blog that I just cannot emulate. So after the initial excitement I quickly realized that I would have to actually come up with something rather than just painting my nails and then rambling about them on my blog.

My first thought was to just do a swatch rather than a full blown mani of something I do quite regularly, which is a colour and then glitter. So with that in mind I started with OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook, three nails later I had my Eureka moment and changed my mind and decided this was going to be a full nail art mani.

I hope you are enjoying lovely sunny weather wherever you are, and if not, you can easily copy this look with just a dotting tool. I used OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook, OPI My Vampire Is Buff for the clouds and OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke for the sun. And to prove anyone can do this look here is my right hand, please excuse my middle finger I lost a nail fighting with the dishwasher!


This mani is super fun and great for summertime! It's just so cheery! I love that Tricia decided to jump in with the nail art and was even nice enough to show us her right hand (I can't say I have ever done that on my blog so kudos to you girl!)

I want to thank Tricia for sharing this mani with us and don't forget to check out her blog, The Cat's Claws.


  1. This is so cute! I did a cloud manicure before too but yours is way better than mine, lol.
