
Swatch: Revlon - Popular

I know it has only been a couple days since I switched back to natural nails but I am trying to stay positive (only 1 has broken so far - knock on wood!). Let's hope that I can keep this up :-) Random question: one of the feelings that just creeps me out is having my longer nails touch paper - does this happen to anyone else? Do you even know what I'm talking about? LOL.

Moving on.

I saw Revlon Popular at Ulta and wanted try to it out, but when I went back to the store to pick it up they were already out! Luck for me, I stopped at K-Mart on my way home from work today and they had a couple bottles of it. It is from the same line as Whimsical with the same idea, an opaque jelly base with glitter. Take a look!

Polishes Used:
-Sally Hansen - Thicken Up! (2 coats)
-Revlon - Popular (2 coats)
-Out The Door TopCoat

Overall, I like this polish! It's fun and pretty in a subtle way. Hopefully I will start to use some bright colors, I have been stuck in a lull of pale shades and now that it's getting to be spring I should add some more color. Stay Tuned...


  1. this is so pretty! i always see it but never pick it up. But i will deff be buying it today

  2. I know what you mean about the nail touching paper, but it doesn't bother me that much. I have this polish and I love it! I hope it's not weird of me to say this but I find the font you use a little difficult to read. Maybe I have grandma eyes? Lol!

  3. pretty glitters!!! :)
    I have an award for you at

    1. Thanks Kelly! I will have to follow up with that this week!

  4. Revlon's done some good stuff lately--this looks good on you!

    P.S. Not sure you're aware you've got word verification turned on--thought I'd let you know since it can be hard for people to navigate through it.

  5. I love this. :)
    I wonder if I have a light pink at home to put it over. I just got this color today!!
