
Swatch: Sinful - Cinderella

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was good, and the wedding my husband and I went to  was very fun! It was a Persian wedding and not something that I had experienced before, which made it extra special; we got to try lots of Persian food and listen to the ceremony and music in Farsi. Fun Fun.
As I mentioned last week I was going to wear Sinful's Cinderella to the wedding which I did. I took it with me to the hotel and ended up painting my nails there the night before. So even though everyone already knows what Cinderella looks like, here we go:

I actually like the darker color background in these photos from the hotel room and may start to use a darker color background when I take my pictures at home (instead of our basement walls!)

Polishes Used:
-Sinful - Cinderella (2 coats)
-Out The Door TopCoat

Once wearing this color I can see why everyone was so excited about it. The blue is very pretty and the pink shimmer in it is right up my ally (I look better in cool colors), and even though you could wear it in only one coat it completly covers in 2 (2 coats is normally my max). I would say, if you don't have this color and they still have it in stock at your local Walgreens you should go pick up a bottle, I can't imagine this looking bad on anyone.

See you tomorrow for Day 5 of the Girly Girl Challenge.


  1. I need to get this color. Lovely!

    1. If you can't find it online I know sells it there to. <3

  2. Love this color! I have this color in my collection I didn't know it was so popular until after having it for a month or so!It beautiful, the pink shimmer is what really blows me away, and if I could sum up Cinderella in a bottle of nail polish it would be this!

  3. Such a pretty colour! And it looks great on you!
