
Leopard Accents

Leopard Nails; haven't done these in a couple months so I was in the mood to do something fun! I know I am always complaining about how bad my natural nails are so I'm going to throw in a picture of my nekkid nails too, eeek!

Polishes Used:
-Nailtiques - Formula 2 Plus
-Revlon - Sheer Rose (3 coats)
-Sinful Colors - Nirvana
-Kiss Nail Art - Black
-Out The Door TopCoat

I like doing leopard print because it's like there is never a wrong pattern and so you can't screw it up! Revlon Sheer Rose was a "rescued" nail polish that my sister was going to throw away because she didn't want it anymore. I don't love the color, it's a little too peach for me, but I couldn't let it get thrown away!!!

Keep reading if you're willing to see naked nails!

They aren't pretty but unfortunately this is the best that they have looked in a while. See the peeling? The discoloration? The damange from having acrylics? BLEH!

Thanks for sticking with me through that last picture! Only a couple days left to enter my 50 Follower Giveaway here!


  1. your natural nails look just fine! :) a little TLC and they will be back to normal soon. LOVE the mani!!! that color looks great on you!

  2. That peach light coral looks great on you! Love it paired with the leopard.

  3. That peach color looks great with the leopard print. I wouldn't have thought of that color combo. Good job! Also, I like the length and shape of your nails.

  4. I love this! And even though you don't love it I think the colour looks great on you! Also your nails aren't bad at all! And in response to you can't screw up leopard print, you can. I have. they looked some sad ink blots :)

  5. my nails have the same problem of peeling like crazy...
    it happens to me when I don't drink milk and wear too much polish > <

    I have to let my nails wait out > <
