
Adventures In Stamping - Leafy

Happy Sunday Loves!

Today's theme for Adventures in Stamping is "Leafy". I have a couple stamping plates that have "leafy" designs, none however that just have just a "leaf". ANYWAY, lol, here is my leafy mani.

Polishes Used:
-Essie - Absolutely Shore
-Fresh Paint - Pistachio
-Konad - Special Green

With fall upon some of us, I figured a lot of the other ladies (and gents - James :)) would be doing fall colors, but when I think about the term "leafy" it usually ends in "green(s)", so that's what I went with. This looks pretty leafy to me and was very simple, it's fun. 

I did a SUPER SUBTLE saran wrap mani underneath the stamping, with Absolutely Shore & Pistachio. Here are the photos from that!

Which look do you like better? The stamping or the plain saran wrap mani? (I think I like the plain better)